
Player Ranks


  • Commands

    • /ajp

      • Parkour commands

      • Subcommands

        • /ajp list: Players playing parkour

        • /ajp top: Shows the 10 players with the most jumps

    • /assign {area} confirm

      • Assign selection to area

    • /balance, /bal

      • Displays your current balance

    • /balancetop, /baltop

      • Lists players by top balances

    • /boost

      • Shows you if a McMMO Boost is active and how long left

    • /buddy

      • Check if you have a buddy and if so, who it is

      • Subcommands

        • /buddy add {name}: Sends a buddy request to someone

        • /buddy accept: Accepts incoming request

        • /buddy remove: Remove your buddy

        • /buddy notify: Toggle notifications for rewards

    • /cc

      • Opens the crate menu

    • /ch {channel id}

      • change channels

      • Subcommands

        • /ch g: For global

        • /ch l: For local

        • /ch tr: For trade

    • /cinfo

      • Punch a protected block to view information on it

    • /claim

      • Claims the chunk you are in for a cost of 1000 Denarii

    • /climits

      • View the number of protections you own, and the number you are allowed to create

    • /cmodify {username}

      • Using /cmodify username lets that player use that block

    • /coords

      • Shows your coords above your hot bar

    • /crates

      • Warp's you to /warp crates

    • /csn

      • Chest shop help

      • Subcommands

        • /csn help: For help page

        • /csn history: Shows you your sale history

        • /csn clear: Clears sales history

    • /delhome

      • Removes a /home

    • /discord

      • Gives you the discord link

        • Subcommands

          • /discord help: For help page

          • /discord link: Sends you instructions to link your Minecraft account with your Discord account

          • /discord linked: Shows if your Minecraft account is linked with a discord account

          • /discord unlink: Unlink your Discord account from your Minecraft account

    • /disown

      • Disown a /owned item

    • /dynmap

    • /exp

      • Shows the amount exp you have

    • /happyhour

      • Tells you where happy hour is activated or not

    • /help {page}

      • Gives you a list of help category's

      • Subcommands

        • /help discord: Discord link

        • /help money: Shows you useful economy commands

        • /help map: Dynmap link

        • /help wiki: Wiki link

        • /help ranks: Ranks wiki page link

        • /help ledger: Ledger link

        • /help shopdb: Shopdb link

    • /home

      • Teleport to your home

    • /kit

      • Obtains the specified kit or views all available kits

    • /lands

      • Open the lands menu

      • Subcommands

        • /lands create {land-name}: The cost for initial land creation is 5000 Denarii

    • /leave

      • Leaves channels

      • Subcommands

        • /leave g: To leave global

        • /leave l: To leave local

        • /leave tr: To leave trade

    • /ledger

      • Gives you a link to the ledger

    • /lock

      • Locks a lockable block e.g. chest, door, trap door, furnace

    • /mail

      • Manages inter-player, intra-server mail

    • /map

      • Gives you a link to the dynmap

    • /market

      • Warp's you to /warp market

    • /mcrank

      • Shows you your mcmmo ranks

    • /mcstats

      • Shows you your mcmmo stats

    • /msg {username}

      • Sends a private message to the specified player

    • /own

      • Own the item you are holding as long as it's not owned yet

    • /tpdeny

      • Rejects teleport requests

    • /pay

      • Pays another player from your balance

    • /playerweather

      • Adjust a player's weather

    • /playtime

      • Shows a player's time played in game

    • /pm

      • Sends a private message to the specified player

    • /r, reply

      • Quickly reply to the last player to message you

    • /ranks

      • Ranks wiki page

    • /rankup

      • Ranks you up

    • /realname

      • Displays the username of a user based on nick

    • /rtp

      • Teleport randomly

    • /rules

      • Rules wiki page

    • /sell

      • Lists subcommands

      • Subcommands

        • /sell hand: Sell the item in your hand

        • /sell all: Sell all the items in your inventory that are sellable

    • /sellbag

      • Sells the Bag of Denarii for the number in the ()

    • /sethome

      • Set home to your current location

    • /shrine

      • Opens Shrine quests menu

    • /shop

      • Warp's you to /warp market

    • /spawn

      • Warp's you to /warp spawn

    • /stats

      • Shows you your mcmmo stats

    • /tags

      • Opens the tags GUI to select a tag

    • /titan pack

      • Loads the theatra resource pack

    • /tob

      • List's the sell hand multipliers you have

    • /tpa {username}

      • Request to teleport to the specified player

    • /tpahere {username}

      • Request that the specified player teleport to you

    • /tpaccept

      • Accepts teleport requests

    • /trust {username} {area}

      • Trusts player in that land

    • /unclaim

      • Unclaim the chuck you are standing in

    • /unlock

      • Unlock locked blocks

    • /unstuck

      • Gets you unstuck

    • /untrust {username}

      • Untrust player

    • /vote

      • Open vote menu

    • /voteall

      • Gives you links to all voting websites

    • /votetop

      • Opens VoteTop menu

    • /warp

      • Opens warp menu

      • Subcommands

        • /warp {warp name}: Warps you to the warp

    • /whereami

      • Gives you your coord but with more detail

    • /wiki

      • Gives you the wiki link

    • /worth

      • Gives you the /sell value of the item in your hand

      • Subcommands

        • /worth {item}: Gives you the /sell value of that item

        • /worth inventory: Give you the /sell value of your inventory


  • No commands added


  • No commands added


  • Commands

    • /acrobatics

      • Shows stats for acrobatics skill

    • /archery

      • Shows stats for archery skill

    • /axes

      • shows stats for axes skill

    • /enderchest, ec

      • Access your Ender Chest from anywhere, ensuring your most valuable items are always within reach

    • /excavation

      • Shows stats for excavation skill

    • /fishing

      • Shows stats for fishing skill

    • /headdb, /hdb

      • Opens head database menu

      • Subcommands

        • headdb search {input}

    • /herbalism

      • Shows stats for herbalism skill

    • /mcscoreboard

      • Shows you mcscoreboard subcommands

      • Subcommands

        • /mcscoreboard clear: Clears the current McMMO scoreboard

        • /mcscoreboard keep: Keeps the current McMMO scoreboard

        • /mcscoreboard time {seconds}: Clears the current McMMO scoreboard after the set seconds

    • /mctop

      • Shows the top 10 McMMO leveled players

      • Subcommands

        • /mctop {any McMMO skill name}

    • /mining

      • Shows stats for mining skill

    • /repair

      • Shows stats for repair skill

    • /seen {username}

      • Shows the last logout time of a player

    • /smelting

      • Shows stats for smelting skill

    • /swords

      • Shows stats for swords skill

    • /taming

      • Shows stats for taming skill

    • /unarmed

      • Shows stats for unarmed skill

    • /woodcutting

      • Shows stats for woodcutting skill


  • Commands

    • /craft, /wb

      • Instantly access the crafting table GUI for easy crafting

      • /lands

        • Subcommands

          • /lands setspawn: Mark your territory with a custom spawn point. Each change costs 100 Denarii

          • /lands list: Overview your vast empire

    • /list

      • Keep track of your online companions

    • /skull

      • Collect your own skull as a trophy. Each use costs 20,000 Denarii

    • /whisper

      • Sends a private message to the specified player

    • /wild

      • Teleports you to a random point in unclaimed land


  • Commands

    • /trash

      • Keep your inventory clutter-free with this handy command to dispose of unwanted items


  • No commands added


  • Commands

    • /anvil

      • Access an anvil anytime for just 10 Denarii per use

    • /back

      • Instantly return to your last location

    • /clearinventory

      • A quick way to clean your inventory

    • /feed

      • Satisfy your hunger

    • /fix

      • Repair your items for 2500 Denarii per use

    • /heal

      • Instant health boost at the cost of 5000 Denarii per use

    • /near

      • Check who's around you


  • Commands

    • /nightvision, /nv

      • Toggle nightvision mode! You can turn nightvision on and off at will


  • Commands

    • /itemfilter, /if

      • Select which items you pick up and don't! Remove the clutter!

      • Subcommands

        • /itemfilter menu

        • /itemfilter toggle

        • /itemfilter reset


  • No commands added


  • Commands

    • /condense, /cnd

      • Clean up your inventory by condensing items for only 250 Denarii per use

    • /fix all

      • Repair all your items at once for just 2,500 Denarii per use

    • /fill {type}

      • Fills you bucket up

      • Subcommands

        • /fill clear: empty your bucket

        • /fill water: fill your bucket with water

        • /fill lava: fill your bucket with lava

        • /fill milk: fill your bucket with milk

    • /heal

      • Stay in the game with instant health restoration at 5,000 Denarii per use. No cooldown, so heal anytime!

    • /powertool

      • Equip your power tool and perform multiple actions with ease


  • Commands

    • /anvil

      • Access your anvil anytime without waiting or paying

    • /condense, /cnd

      • Clean up your inventory by condensing items with zero cost

    • /fix all

      • Instantly repair all your items with no cost

    • /heal

      • Regain your health instantly without the need to wait or pay

    • /jump

      • Leap across the game for fast traversing

    • /smelt

      • Smelt items instantly without a furnace

    • /soak

      • Enable the soak feature on demand

    • /top

      • Teleport to the highest point in your current coordinates

    • /tpcoords

      • Teleports you the specified coords

    • /uncondense

      • Reverse the condensation process with zero cost


  • No commands added


  • No commands added


  • No commands added

Support Ranks


  • Commands

    • /ch d

      • Access to supporter channel in game

    • /nickname

      • Sets your nickname


  • Commands

    • /fly

      • Lets you fly in The Ark and in Mining worlds

  • Worldedit commands only works in creative world

    • //brush

      • Commands to build and draw from far away

    • //copy

      • Copy the selection to the clipboard

    • //cut

      • Copy the selection to the clipboard

    • //cyl

      • Generates a cylinder

    • //flip

      • Flips the contents of the clipboard across the point from which the copy was made

    • //line

      • Draws a line segment between cuboid selection corners. Can only be used with cuboid

    • //paste

      • Pastes the clipboard's contents

    • //redo

      • Redoes the last action (from history)

    • //replace

      • Replace all blocks in the selection with another

    • //rotate

      • Non-destructively rotate the contents of the clipboard

    • //sphere

      • Generates a filled sphere

    • //set

      • Set all blocks within selection

    • //stack

      • Repeats the contents of the selection

    • /toggleeditwand

      • Toggle functionality of the edit wand

    • //undo

      • Undoes the last action

    • //wand

      • Get the wand object


  • Commands

    • /itemrename

      • Lets you rename items with standard colors


  • Commands

    • /headdb

      • You can now get the heads from the head database

    • /itemsowned

      • can see a list of your /own tools

    • /itemhistory [toolID]

      • You can see the history on Items that you own

    • /lb tb

      • access to a block of ice that tracks logged changes in blocks hold the ice and right or left click


  • Commands

    • /itemhistory [toolID]

      • Can see your own Items history AND others, if they provide you the ToolID

    • /pv

      • Access to 15 player vaults


  • Commands

    • /itemrename

      • You can rename items with standard colors AND formatting INCLUDES RGB!!!

    • /vanish

      • Gives you the ability to disappear from everyone! (except staff)

This is the end of the the ranks.

Last updated