All Commands
Commands are listed alphabetically. Each entry includes the rank where the command becomes available. We also have a list of all Commands by Rank.
/acrobatics: Displays stats for the acrobatics skill (Gladiator)
/ajp: Parkour commands (Pleb)
/ajp list
: Players playing parkour/ajp top
: Shows the 10 players with the most jumps
/anvil: Access an anvil menu (Hero, free for God)
/archery: Displays stats for the archery skill (Gladiator)
/assign {area} confirm: Assign selection to area (Pleb)
/axes: Displays stats for the axes skill (Gladiator)
/back: Returns to your last location (Hero)
/balance, /bal: Displays your current balance (Pleb)
/balancetop, /baltop: Lists players by top balances (Pleb)
/boost: Shows if a McMMO Boost is active and its remaining duration (Pleb)
/buddy: Manage buddy system (Pleb)
/buddy add {name}
: Sends a buddy request to someone/buddy accept
: Accepts incoming request/buddy remove
: Remove your buddy/buddy notify
: Toggle notifications for rewards
/cc: Opens the crate menu (Pleb)
/ch d: Access the supporter chat channel (Contributor)
/ch join {channel name}: Change chat channels (Pleb)
/ch join Global
: Switch to global chat/ch join Local
: Switch to local chat
/claim: Claims the chunk you are in for 1,000 Denarii (Pleb)
/climits: View the number of protections you own and are allowed (Pleb)
/clearinventory: Clears your inventory (Hero)
/cinfo: Punch a protected block to view information on it (Pleb)
/cmodify {username}: Allows a player to use a specific block (Pleb)
/condense, /cnd: Condenses items (Demigod, free for God)
/coords: Shows your coordinates above your hotbar (Pleb)
/craft, /wb: Access the crafting table menu (Patrician)
/crates: Warps you to
/warp crates
(Pleb)/csn: Chest shop help(Pleb)
/csn help
: Displays help page/csn history
: Shows your sale history/csn clear
: Clears sales history
daily-reward: Check how close you are to your 1 hour of daily playtime (Pleb)
/delhome: Removes a set home (Pleb)
/discord: Provides the Discord link (Pleb)
/discord help
: Displays help page/discord link
: Instructions for linking your Minecraft account with Discord/discord linked
: Displays link status/discord unlink
: Unlink your Discord account
/disown: Disown an owned item (Pleb)
/enderchest, /ec: Access your Ender Chest from anywhere (Gladiator)
/excavation: Displays stats for the excavation skill (Gladiator)
/exp: Displays your experience points (Pleb)
/feed: Restores hunger (Hero)
/fill {type}: Fills a bucket (Demigod)
/fill clear
: Empties the bucket/fill water
: Fills with water/fill lava
: Fills with lava/fill milk
: Fills with milk
/fishing: Displays stats for the fishing skill (Gladiator)
/fix: Repairs an item (Hero)
/fix all: Repairs all items (Demigod, free for God)
/fly: Enables flight in The Ark and mining worlds (Contributor+)
/heal: Restores health (Hero, reduced cost for Demigod, free for God)
/headdb, /hdb: Opens the head database menu (Gladiator, Supporter+)
/help {page}: Provides help categories (Pleb)
/herbalism: Displays stats for the herbalism skill (Gladiator)
/home: Teleports you to your home (Pleb)
/itemfilter, /if: Manage item pickup filters. Learn more (Paragon)
/itemfilter menu
: Opens the filter menu/itemfilter toggle
: Toggles item filters on or off/itemfilter reset
: Resets filters/itemfilter add
: Adds items to filters/itemfilter remove
: Removes items from filters
/itemhistory [toolID]: Displays item histories (Ultimate)
/itemrename: Renames items with colors (Supporter, advanced for Ultimate+)
/itemsowned: Displays owned items (Supporter+)
/jump: Teleports you forward (God)
/kit: Displays or obtains kits (Pleb)
/lands: Opens the Lands menu (Pleb)
/lands create {land-name}
: Costs 5,000 Denarii/lands setspawn
: Sets a custom spawn point (Patrician)/lands list
: Displays a list of your lands
/leave {land-name}: Leave a land (Pleb)
/ledger: Provides a link to the ledger (Pleb)
/list: Displays online players (Patrician)
/lock: Locks a block (Pleb)
/mail: Manages in-game mail (Pleb)
/map: Provides the Dynmap link (Pleb)
/market: Warps you to
/warp market
(Pleb)/mcrank: Displays your McMMO rank (Pleb)
/mcscoreboard: Manages the McMMO scoreboard (Gladiator)
/mcscoreboard clear
: Clears the scoreboard/mcscoreboard keep
: Keeps the current scoreboard/mcscoreboard time {seconds}
: Clears the scoreboard after the set time
/mcstats: Displays your McMMO stats (Pleb)
/mctop: Displays the top 10 McMMO players (Gladiator)
/mining: Displays stats for the mining skill (Gladiator)
/msg {username}: Sends a private message (Pleb)
/near: Displays nearby players (Hero)
/nightvision, /nv: Toggles night vision (Champion)
/nickname: Sets your nickname (Contributor)
/own: Owns an item if unclaimed (Pleb)
/pay {username} {amount}: Pays another player (Pleb)
/playerweather: Adjusts your weather (Pleb)
/playtime: Displays your total playtime (Pleb)
/pm: Sends a private message(Pleb)
/powertool: Binds multiple actions to a tool (Demigod)
/pv: Access 15 player vaults (Ultimate)
/r, /reply: Replies to the last private message (Pleb)
/ranks: Displays the ranks wiki page (Pleb)
/rankup: Promotes your rank (Pleb)
/realname: Displays a player's actual username (Pleb)
/repair: Displays stats for the repair skill (Gladiator)
/rtp: Teleports randomly (Pleb)
/rules: Displays the rules wiki page (Pleb)
/seen {username}: Displays the last logout time of a player (Gladiator)
/sell: Sells items (Pleb)
/sell hand
: Sells the item in your hand/sell all
: Sells all sellable items in your inventory
/sethome: Sets a home at your current location (Pleb)
/shrine: Opens the shrine quests menu (Pleb)
/shop: Warps you to
/warp market
(Pleb)/skull: Obtain your own skull (Patrician)
/smelt: Instantly smelt items (God)
/smelting: Displays stats for the smelting skill (Gladiator)
/soak: Toggles soak mode (God)
/spawn: Warps you to
/warp spawn
(Pleb)/stats: Displays your McMMO stats(Pleb)
/swords: Displays stats for the swords skill (Gladiator)
/tags: Opens the tags menu (Pleb)
/taming: Displays stats for the taming skill (Gladiator)
/titan pack: Loads the Theatria resource pack (Pleb)
/tob: Displays your sell-hand multipliers(Pleb)
/top: Teleports to the highest point at your location (God)
/tpaccept: Accepts teleport requests (Pleb)
/tpahere {username}: Requests another player teleport to you (Pleb)
/tpcoords: Teleports to specified coordinates (God)
/tpdeny: Rejects teleport requests (Pleb)
/trash: Opens the trash menu (Eques)
/trust {username} {area}: Trusts a player in your land (Pleb)
/unarmed: Displays stats for the unarmed skill (Gladiator)
/unclaim: Unclaims the chunk you're in (Pleb)
/uncondense: Reverses condensation (God)
/unlock: Unlocks locked blocks (Pleb)
/unstuck: Frees you from being stuck (Pleb)
/untrust {username}: Removes trust from a player (Pleb)
/vanish: Makes you invisible to players (Ultimate+)
/warp: Opens the warp menu (Pleb)
/warp {warp name}
: Warps to a specific location
/whereami: Provides detailed coordinates (Pleb)
/whisper: Sends a private message (Patrician)
/wild: Teleports to random unclaimed land (Pleb)
/wiki: Displays the wiki link (Pleb)
/woodcutting: Displays stats for the woodcutting skill (Gladiator)
/worth: Displays the sell value of items (Pleb)
/worth {item}
: Displays the sell value of a specific item/worth inventory
: Displays the sell value of your inventory
Learn more about Player Ranks
Learn more about Support Ranks
Last updated
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